This morning on the way to school my daughter's expressed great jealousy towards my students. Some complaints were legitimate, while others were far-fetched. The most legitimate complaint was that since I returned to teacher I barely do parasha projects with them. I brought home for the girls the same project I did at school.
Shemini has a lot in it; consecration of the Mishkan, the misdeeds of Nadav and Avihu, and laws of keeping Kosher. Whow! We focused only on kosher, specifically on animals.
To be Kosher animals must 1)chew their cud 2) have split hooves. My girls can recite this parrot like, but understanding cud chewing needs further exploration. To make these two elements fun, we made cud chewing puppets.
One coloring page was split hooves and the other was an animal face.
The cow was from here. And the sheep here
Then I got these split hooves to add to it.
Everyone enjoyed the coloring, cutting, and gluing onto a brown lunch bag.
The result is a kosher puppet with split hooves, that chews its cud (opens and closes its mouth).
I showed the girls this pig picture and we discussed how split hooves aren't enough. We couldn't make a pig puppet.
But we made some lovely kosher puppets!